Country superstar Carrie Underwood recently shared a heartwarming glimpse into her family life by collaborating with her five-year-old son on a special Christmas recording. The pair teamed up in the studio to create an adorable rendition of “Little Drummer Boy.” Footage from the session shows a clearly proud Underwood encouraging her son as he takes the lead on vocals. The sweet moment culminates in a touching duet as Carrie joins in, creating a truly memorable mother-son performance that has resonated with fans worldwide. Watch video in the comments below 👇

Carrie Underwood shared a touching duet with her five-year-old son, Isaiah Fisher, on the Christmas classic Little Drummer Boy. The young singer took center stage with an adorable opening verse, while his proud mom watched and cheered him on from the vocal booth, making the moment even more special.

Carrie joined in for the second verse, and their voices blended beautifully in the final section, creating a heartfelt and unforgettable mother-son performance.

When the video was uploaded on December 14, 2020, it quickly gained traction, amassing over 3 million views and 58,000 likes. Fans were moved by the sweet rendition and flooded the comments with praise.

One fan shared, “This is the BEST version of this song. It perfectly captures the essence of Christ’s birth through Isaiah’s sweet voice. I wasn’t a fan of this song before, but now it’s one of my favorites. I listen to it all the time—it truly warms my heart.”

Another commented, “I’m in tears, and my husband asked, ‘What are you watching?’ I took off my earphones, and we both listened to this beautiful child sing with his mom. Thank you for this gift. May the Lord bless your family.”

This heartfelt version of Little Drummer Boy holds a special significance for Underwood, so much so that it inspired the title of her Christmas album. She expressed her deep love for the song and her desire to make it uniquely memorable.

Another standout track from the album is the powerful duet Hallelujah, featuring the soulful voice of R&B legend John Legend. This collaboration brings an extraordinary touch to the collection, blending their distinct styles into a holiday masterpiece.

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